To start I'm using a pair of switching power supplies which provide 24V and 72V. This decision was driven entirely by the servo drives as they require 24V for logic and ~80V for the motors themselves. The 72V rail will only be used to power the servos, all other components (extruder, heated bed) will run off of 24V. I've chosen to daisy-chain the wires for testing, but this is not ideal and will be redone in the final build.
Next I powered up the servo drives just to make sure everything works. You can see they turn on but show a red status indicator as no motor is connected.
The motor phases connect through the terminal block, order is important here. Technically the servo drive can detect improper wiring and tell you which connections to swap but its easier to get it right the first time.
The encoder and limit switch wiring plugs into matching ports on the drive. At this point the servos can be powered up and will report all green.
Finally we can connect them to the Smoothieboard using the cable I prepared earlier. Everything connects together quite easily, but there are just so many cables it can look overwhelming. Wire management in the final build will be a challenge.
Its time to start with basic Smoothieboard configuration. Smoothie can be configured by editing a config text file, you can find more details in the documentation. I have been careful to make sure the linear servos behave just like regular stepper drivers, so the configuration looks fairly typical. As far as the Smoothieboard knows this setup is no different from any other printer.
Lets start with the basics and get Smoothie controlling the servos. The first step is motion planner configuration.
# Motion Planner Configuration
alpha_steps_per_mm 200
beta_steps_per_mm 200
gamma_steps_per_mm 200
acceleration 5000 # mm/s2
z_acceleration 2000 # mm/s2
junction_deviation 0.05
x_axis_max_speed 60000 # mm/min
y_axis_max_speed 60000 # mm/min
z_axis_max_speed 30000 # mm/min
Alpha, beta, and gamma actuators represent motor channels, and correspond to the X, Y, and Z axes for my printer. You can see that I've set all three axes to 200 steps/mm, which matches the 5um step size I have programmed into the drives. The maximum speeds have been set fairly low as it isn't safe to run the linear stages at high speed without securing them to a fixed surface.
Next we have to tell Smoothie which pins are connected to the servo drives. This might look complicated, but really just requires double checking which pins are connected by the cables I made earlier.
# Servo enable has not been implemented as the pins are used for limit/fault
# feedback. All three enable pins are routed to 1.22 which is not connected.
alpha_step_pin 2.2 # Motor 3 Pins
alpha_dir_pin 0.20!
alpha_en_pin 1.22
alpha_max_rate 60000
beta_step_pin 2.3 # Motor 4 Pins
beta_dir_pin 0.22!
beta_en_pin 1.22
beta_max_rate 60000
gamma_step_pin 2.8 # Motor 5 Pins
gamma_dir_pin 2.13!
gamma_en_pin 1.22
gamma_max_rate 30000
Finally we need to make sure the differential voltage reference is set up correctly:
# Pin 1.30 produces a differential voltage reference for the servo drives and
# should be left in the high state.
switch.high.enable true
switch.high.output_pin 1.30
switch.high.output_type digital
switch.high.startup_state true
Homing can be activated by toggling pin 1.31, which is connected to the "Home" pin of all three servo drives.
# Switch: Servo Home
# Toggling 1.31 high will trigger the servo home routine on all three axes. To
# perform a complete homing routine, call G29_G4S5_G30_G92X75Y75Z180
switch.home.enable true
switch.home.output_pin 1.31
switch.home.output_type digital
switch.home.input_on_command G29
switch.home.input_off_command G30
Endstops configuration follows a similar process, we just need to make sure Smoothie is watching the correct pins.
# Endstop Configuration
# The endstops module is used to monitor the servo fault signal which will
# trigger both if a limit switch is hit as well as when an axis faults.
# The G28 homing routine has also been configured, however G29 Servo Home
# should be used instead as it is more accurate.
endstops_enable true
home_z_first true
alpha_min_endstop 0.19^
alpha_homing_direction home_to_min
alpha_min 0
alpha_max 150
beta_min_endstop 0.21^
beta_homing_direction home_to_min
beta_min 0
beta_max 150
gamma_max_endstop 4.29^
gamma_homing_direction home_to_max
gamma_min 0
gamma_max 180
Remember that I have combined the limit and fault outputs on the Servo drive, so any servo fault (including hitting a travel limit) will halt the print.
This completes the configuration and testing of the linear servos.
Hello Brian,
I am trying to get Yaskawa Servos to work with my Pick & Place machine working and I am having trouble with getting the speed.
Please contact me with respect to Smoothie Config file which I would like to share with you.
Hi Ryan,
I have made some progress with Yaskawa and Smoothieboard on my PnP - But I was told to limit motion planner Config. alpha Beta and Gamma steps/mm to 100 - I see you are at 200 steps/mm ?? Can you please advice?
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